MCOC Alliance War Placement Guide | Defender Suggestion

MCOC AW Placement | Best Defenders | MAP | Attack | Tactics
Image Credit - KABAM

 All about Marvel Contest of Champions Alliance War Guide.

Hello friends 😀 
This is CaptainRaghu (Admin of MCOC GUIDE Blog) and in this article I have tried to cover following topics :
  • What is Alliance War? (Defense Phase | Attack Phase)
  • About Alliance War Points Breakdown.
  • Alliance War Tier | Map Breakdown.
  • Alliance War Rewards.
  • Alliance War Updated Map.
  • Best Defenders | Alliance War Defender Placement Guide as per Node. 
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What is Alliance Wars ?

In Marvel Contest of Champions (MCOC) The Alliance War setup is somewhat similar to Alliance Quests, but instead of battling Symbioid teams, you have to fight with another alliances like your own Team/Battle Group. Another feature of the Alliance War is that you get to see something new, like Matchmaking, Defense Placement Strategy, Win- Loss Point table and some awesome Rewards...  

The Alliance Leadership (Leader & Officer) will have to start Alliance War  similar to Alliance Quest.

Similar to Alliance Quests, any Champions you use in Alliance Wars will be locked in until the War is completed. While placing your defensive team, they cannot be used in Alliance Quests, but can be used in any other Quests (Story, Event, Daily, etc). Once the attack phase begins, your defensive team is locked and cannot be used in other Quests until you complete or clear your Battle Group in Alliance War.

Alliance Wars (AW) are the alliance's primary source of 3 star, 4 star, 5 star and 6 star shards. The goal of the event is to capture (and defeat) your opponents boss, and in the process explore the various nodes (challenges) your opponents have set for you.
So make a perfect Strategy for war & for communication purpose use WhatsApp , Line App or use in game chat.

It's important that which paths should be cleared first so other paths can be explored, so discuss with your team mates before moving or clearing nodes. Recently (2017-2018) KABAM and MCOC Team comes with Alliance War Season - Latest Maps, New Nodes and some Awesome Rewards too...  😀

MCOC AW Overview and Season Points Details
MCOC AW Overview and Season Points Details

📌 DEFENSE PHASE [Run 24 Hrs] : Just like Alliance Quests, there will be three Battlegroups, with 10 players per group. Your objective is your defend your Battlerealm (three Battlegroups) from the attacking alliance.

MCOC AW Matchmaking, Defender Placement and Defense Tactics
MCOC AW Matchmaking, Defender Placement and Defense Tactics

  • There are 3 Battlegroups, 10 players per Battlegroup.
  • You may take up to 5 Champions to defend the Battlerealm.
  • Players will place 5 defenders each for a  maximum of 50 defenders per Battlegroup.
  • Yes, each battlegroup has a custom-selected Champion as the final boss.
  • The player can only move or swap their own champions. However Leadership (Leader & Officer) will be able to move any of the champions around.

📌 ATTACK PHASE [Run 24 Hrs] : 

MCOC AW Attack Phase, Attack Bonus and Rank Rewards
MCOC AW Attack Phase, Attack Bonus and Rank Rewards

  • During the attack phase, you can select a team of three champions (similar to AQ) to attack the enemy’s Battlerealm.
  • You may take up to 3 Champions to attack your opponent.
  • You can spectate your opponent's realm before taking in your team.
  • Strategy is key, so work with your alliance and Leadership to take down the opponent groups boss.
  • You can take up to 3 Champions to attack your opponent. (You all know about this)
  • Your 2 champ should be fixed for all time war attack & 1 champ selection will be depends on Mini Boss so do spectate war map before enter (Keep in mind)

📌 Click Here To See Best Trinity Team for Alliance War.

📌 Click Here To See Best Hard Hitter, Power Control and Regeneration Champs list.

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📌 Alliance War Points Breakdown - Season 27 Onwards:

MCOC Alliance War Points Breakdown For Tier 1 to 12


Based On



(Based On 3 BG’s)

Total Points

(Based On 3 BG’s)

Boss Kill

20,000 Points Per BG’s Cleared

1 Boss Per BG’s = Total 3 Bosses (20,000 x 3)

60,000 Points


200 Points Per Node Exploration.

(285 Instance)

200 x 285

57,000 Points.

Defenders Remaining

250 Points Per Defender Placed

50 Defenders Per BG’s

(50 x 3 = Max 150 Defenders)

(250 x 150)

37,500 Points.

Attack Bonus

1st Attempt: 240 Points.

2nd Attempt: 160 Points.

3rd Attempt: 80 Points.

150 Defenders + 15 Empty Nodes = Max 165 Nodes. 

Attack Bonus : (240 x 165)

39,600 Points.



30 Points per Unique Defender

Max 150 unique defenders

 (30 x 150)

4,500 Points.

📌 The map you fight on is decided by your current tier

MCOC Alliance War Season Chart


📌 Updated Alliance War Season Rewards : (AW Season 33 Onward)


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💥 Click Here To View MCOC Tier List Defense | Offense 
After clicking on above link you will get an idea about Marvel Contest of Champions (MCOC) Best Defenders as well as Worst Defenders. So Rank up your Defense champs as per given tier list. Selection of defenders is totally based on alliance war tactics in Top Tier Alliance. So ask your Officers & Leader before rank up any defender.

If your alliance is following Diversity then place your champs as per alliance needs to maintain Diversity Ratio.

📌 Recommended Best Defenders Champ List - Placement Guide For Tier Between 1 to 12 [Alliance War Season 32 onwards]

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  1. We place a 5/65 Havok on the Main Boss node and it usually gets us several kills per war. I think you should include him on the Main Boss suggestions.

  2. You war points calc is incorrect. On the harder map, there are 165 nodes to get attack bonus for (55 per BG).

    1. Thanks for correcting me. 🙏🏻

      Article is updated now with some changes. 😀

      If you have any suggestion pls let me know here..

  3. Very useful guide

    1. Thank You.. Don't forget to share this article with your Alliance Teammates 😀

  4. I literally refer to this defender placement guide EVERY SINGLE WAR. Thanks

    1. Thanks for the feedback :)
      I'll try my best to keep this post updated..

  5. !!! WaaaaW !!!! THIS !!!! IS !!!! PERFECT !!!

  6. Shared with Alliance, Super helpful guide all around... Every officer in every Alliance should be reffering to this guide for placement... great job mate

  7. Could anyone suggest which nodes would be beneficial for using Apocalypse on defense in AW. Thanks in advance.

    1. Most top tier alliances use him as their boss

    2. We recently had Apocalypse on node 52 (final boss) and he earned 10 defensive kills! Not sure if it was a one-off but we will try him again soon I'm sure....

  8. Immortal Abom awakened would be great on node 50 as he starts with 3 poisons and poisons count for double the node effects... insane attack and power gain

  9. I can't see terrax in your placement (tier 1 to 12)...isn't he an above average defender?? On wich nod should he be place??


    1. We place our Terrax on node 36 in tier 6-9 and he easily gets at least 5 kills per match.

  10. Hello everyone.
    I know some of new/old champs are not mentioned for particular nodes. I'm working on new placement setup. Will share with you in next 1-2 months...

    If you know anything extra about best champs for best nodes then let me know via comment, Thanx in advance.

    1. Really looking forward to this, amazing work, thanks!!!!

  11. On what node does you put Stryfe ? Any Suggestion ?

  12. Do you have the updates for season 27?

    1. Hello Buddy.
      will share tactics details, nodes + recommended champs table soon as per season 27 update.
      Rewards & Season score point table is available now as per new update.

  13. Hello. Has this blog been updated in 2022? Just making sure. Thanks!

    1. Hey Hi Buddy 😀 Welcome to the MCOC GUIDE BLOG.

      This Article is updated as per the current war season.

      Kindly let us know, If we miss something...

  14. Hello please update as per latest nodes....lot of nodes changed now, ty :)

  15. Can you please do an update because several nodes have changed

  16. Please update path 7.


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