Image Credit : KABAM | MCOC Team
Variant 4 Waning Moon is the easiest Variant than other available Variant(Variant 1, Variant 2, Variant 3) In Marvel Contest of Champions(MCOC) Game. There is criteria to entered in Variant 4 Quest with selective Tier(from 1 star champs to 6 star champs). if you’ve lost your lower Rarity Champions over time, you’ll have time to rebuild that Roster.
⚡ Click here to view MCOC Official Page - Back Issue #4 | WANING MOON | Variant 4 Announcement
Variant 4 Quests Requirements By Star Level:
- Variant 4 – Chapter 1.1(Variant 4.1.1): You Can play this quest with 5 star and 6 star champs only.
- Variant 4 – Chapter 1.2(Variant 4.1.2): You Can play this quest with 5 star champs only.
- Variant 4 – Chapter 2.1(Variant 4.2.1): You Can play this quest with 4 star champs only.
- Variant 4 – Chapter 2.2(Variant 4.2.2): You Can play this quest with 3 star champs only.
- Variant 4 – Chapter 3.1(Variant 4.3.1): You Can play this quest with 2 star champs only.
- Variant 4 – Chapter 3.2(Variant 4.3.2): You Can play this quest with 1 star champs only.
Now lets come to the main subject:
Looking for Variant 4 easy path guide? Then yes guys you are on right website. Here you will get all chapter of variant 4 easy path details, Node Details,Best Champs suggestion and Video Guide. So Don't forget to Bookmark this page.
📌 Variant 4 – Chapter 1.1 Guide
⭐ Restrictions: 6 star and 5 star Champions Only.🚩 Lane 1 – Left
🌏 Node: Strike Back
➥ Namor ➜ Heimdall ➜ Void (Make sure you have counter champ for void Like Blade or Hyperion) ➜ Kingpin ➜ Loki ➜ Spiderman Miles Morales ➜ Scarlet Witch (Make sure you have Poision Immune Champ in Team) ➜ Electro (Boss)
😅 There is one more easy path i found Just make sure you have Power Drain/Power Lock or Taunt Ability champs in your team.
🚩 Lane 3 – Right
🌏 Nodes: Strike Back, All-Or-Nothing
➥ Namor ➜ Iron Patriot ➜ Magneto ➜ Mordo ➜ Cable ➜ Electro (Boss)
Click here to see Power Drain/Power Lock or Taunt Ability champs
🌏 Electro (Boss) Active Node :
- +100% Health
- Crackling Energy: Striking the Defender with a Contact attack puts a Passive Energy Damage over time effect on the Attacker dealing 0.5% of their max health every second for 10 seconds, stacking up to 10 times. Striking the Defender with a Non-Contact attack Removes all stacks.
- Stun Immunity
- Power Efficiency (specials cost 50% less power)
- Enhanced Special 1
- Special 1 Bias
- Force of Will: The Defender is Immune to Ability Accuracy Modification.
- Namor (Must be Duped + Max Sig Lvl)
- Hyperion (Intercept and Spam SP1 Attack)
- Blade (Synergy with Ghost Rider + Stark Spidey - Can avoid Electro's reflection Damage)
- Havok (Use M L L M Combo Hits till his SP3 Attack get ready)
- Gwenpool (Must be duped. Her sig ability + Highest Combo will help her to reduce Electro’s Defensive Ability Accuracy)
- Hulk Ragnarok (His face me ability helps him to avoide electro's passive damage also his SP2 Attack will help him to control electro's power bar.)
- Quake (If you know how to use her)
How To Defeat Electro Variant 4 Chapter 1 By DarkZodiacINC
SOLO BISHOP 5* Rank 5/65 vs ELECTRO boss Variant 4 By bossko77
Variant #4 One Shot Electro By Havok By Elie Issa
Gladiator HULK VS Electro 1.1 (Variant 4) Waning Moon By Unofficial Kabam Mike
Quake vs Variant 4 (Waning Moon) Electro - Boss Solo By Munash
📌 Variant 4 – Chapter 1.2 Guide
⭐ Restrictions: 5 star Champions Only.🚩 Lane 1 – Far Left:
🌏 Nodes: Feats of Power, Enhanced Fury, Enhanced Critical Buffs
➥ Domino (Make sure you have a Domino counter) ➜ Red Skull ➜ Hela ➜ Thor Ragnarok ➜ King Groot ➜ Deadpool X-Force (Boss)
🌏 Deadpool X-Force (Boss) Active Node :
- +100% Health
- Fundamentals: The Defender has a -100% chance to use specials, with less than a bar of power reduces all damage by 95%; with 1 bar gains +2100 block penetration, with 2 bars all attacks are unblockable, with 3 bars all attacks are unblockable and charging a heavy attack deals 50% of the defenders attack as direct damage.
- Aggression: This defender is more aggressive and excels at offensive abilities like Heavy and Dash Attacks.
- Mighty Charge 2: While performing a Medium dash attack, Defender is immune to Debuffs and Unstoppable.
- Limber: Each time the Defender receives a Stun Debuff, they reduce the Duration of further Stun Debuffs by 10%.
- Duodeum Prod: An advanced poking technique designed to increase yields of enemy body fluids.
- Rainbow of Power: Doubled Power Gain triggers all the way.
- Enhanced Bleed: Bleed abilities are 40% more effective.
- Counterstrike: Using the Dexterity Mastery to dodge an attack grants the attacker a passive fury charge, increasing their attack rating by 5% per charge. At 10 fury all charges are lost and the Defender's attacks are Unblockable for 15 seconds.
- Force of Will: The Defender is Immune to Ability Accuracy Modification.
🚀 Video Guide:
Top 5 Deadpool Counter -Variant 4 (Waning Moon) Marvel Contest of Champions By Jason Voorhees
How to defeat Deadpool X-Force 1.2 (Variant 4) Fully Breakdown - Marvel Contest of Champions By Unofficial Kabam Mike
Spider-Man Stark Enhanced (and Warlock) vs Variant 4 (Waning Moon) Deadpool X-Force Boss By Munash
Variant 4 Deadpool Boss Mega Cheese! Easy Solo! By KT1
Hyperion vs Deadpool Variant 4 - One Shot - Marvel Contest of Champions By Maui Great
📌 Variant 4 – Chapter 2.1 Guide
⭐ Restrictions: 4 star Champions Only.🚩 Lane 5 – Far Right
🌏 Nodes: Matador, Power Shield, Oscillate
➥ Crossbones ➜ Venompool ➜ Ant-Man ➜ Vision (Classic) ➜ Cyclops ➜ Ebony Maw ➜ Wolverine (Boss)
💥 Best Champs For This Path : Archangel, Hyperion, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Voodoo, Rogue, Corvus Glaive, Ghost, Stark Spidey, Star Lord
😅 There is one more easy path i found; so select path where you are most comfortable. (Nodes information is given below)
🚩 Lane 3 – Center Path
🌏 Nodes: Aggressive Regeneration, Picture of Health
➥ Juggernaut ➜ Modok ➜ Invisible Woman ➜ Warlock ➜ Sentry ➜ Wolverine (Boss)
💥 Best Champs For This Path : Void, Archangel, Warlock, Captain America IW, Yondu, Punisher 2099, Vision(Both) Any True Strike/True Accuracy Champs to Counter MODOK.
🌏 Wolverine (Boss) Active Node :
- Vigorous Assault: While the Defender has a Regen Buff active they gain +65% attack rating and their attacks become Unblockable.
- Picture of Health: The Defender is Immune to Regen Rate Modification
- Backyard Brawler: While this defender is pinned against a wall they gain a permanent passive fury and passive armor every 3 seconds increasing their base attack by 10% up to 300% and Armor Rating by 100 up to 1,000.
- Cornered: Whenever a damage over time Debuff is applied to the Defender, they gain 200% more power for the duration of the Debuff.
- Force of Will: The Defender is Immune to Ability Accuracy Modification.
📌 Variant 4 – Chapter 2.2 Guide
⭐ Restrictions: 3 star Champions Only.💥 Best Champs For Variant 4.2.2 All Path : (Try to Bring Anti-Evade Champs) - Iceman, Killmonger, Proxima Midnight, Night Thrasher, Cull Obsidian, Nick Fury, Emma Frost, Ghost, Gwenpool, Warlock.
🚩 Lane 5 – Far Right
🌏 Nodes: Burden of Might, Power Alternator
➥ Psylocke ➜ Sentinel ➜ Thor Ragnarok ➜ Doctor Octopus ➜ Agent Venom ➜ Hulkbuster ➜ Moon Knight(Boss)
💥 Boss: Moon Knight (Imp Note - Don't use champs who is applying Bleed, Incinerate or Plasma Debuff on Opponant)
💥 Best Champ for Boss Fight: Iceman, Emma Frost, Ghost, Night Thrasher.
🌏 Moon Knight (Boss) Active Node :
- +100% Health
- Will of Khonshu: All of Moon Knight's passives abilities are activated, Regardless of the current lunar phase.
- Clapback: When a Poison, Shock, Bleed, Incinerate, or Plasma Debuff is placed on the Defender, the same Debuff is placed to the Attacker, dealing 100% of the Defender's Attack oever 10 seconds.
- Aggression Fury: Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain a Fury passive increasing Attack by 50% per stack.When struck, reset the timer and remove a Fury passive stack.
- Mix Master: If attacker attempts the same basic attack twice in a row, defender has 100% chance to evade.
- Force of Will: The Defender is Immune to Ability Accuracy Modification.
📌 Variant 4 – Chapter 3.1 Guide
⭐ Restrictions: 2 star Champions Only.💥 Best Champs For Variant 4.3.1 All Path : Scarlet Witch, Magik, Ronan, Symbiote Supreme, Stark Spidey, Star Lord, Domino Synergy with Rulk, Colossus, Thor, Gamora, Venom, Wolverine, X23, Rogue, Killmonger, Night Thrasher, Nick Fury, Venom, Black Widow.
🚩 Lane 4 – Center Right:
🌏 Nodes: Life Transfer
➥ Vulture ➜ Cable ➜ Unstoppable Colossus ➜ Groot ➜ Iceman ➜ Moon Knight (Boss)
💥 Best Champ for Boss Fight: Killmonger, Night Thrasher, Nick Fury, Venom, Black Widow.
🌏 Moon Knight (Boss) Active Node :
- 200% Health
- Will of Khonshu: All of Moon Knight's passives abilities are activated, Regardless of the current lunar phase.
- +28% Critical
- Enhanced Fury
- Stupefy: Increase the duration of Stun effects by X%
- Enhanced Bleed
- Force of Will: The Defender is Immune to Ability Accuracy Modification.
Variant 4 (Waning Moon) Chapter 3.1 Life Transfer Path By Munash
📌 Variant 4 – Chapter 3.2 Guide
⭐ Restrictions: 1 star Champions only.💥 Best Champs For Variant 4.3.2 All Path : Colossus, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Hulk, OG Vision, Black Panther and Gamora
🚩 Lane 3 – Center Left
🌏 Nodes: Dash Vulnerability, Breakthrough, Caustic Temper
➥ Juggernaut ➜ Carnage ➜ Vision ➜ Symbiote Supreme ➜ Namor ➜ Mordo ➜ Moon Knight (Boss)
😅 There is one more easy path i found; so select path where you are most comfortable. (Nodes information is given below)
🚩 Lane 6 – Far Right
🌏 Nodes: Stun Vulnerability, Ragnarok
➥ Thor Ragnarok ➜ Guillotine 2099 ➜ Scarlet Witch ➜ Human Torch ➜ Groot ➜ Moon Knight (Boss)
💥 Best Champ for Boss Fight : Wolverine, Black Panther (Classic)
🌏 Moon Knight (Boss) Active Node :
- 200% Health
- Will of Khonshu
- Echo Barrier
- Enchanced Special 2
- Bleed Vulnerability
- Force of Will
Mordo Variant 4.3.2 Caustic Temper Solo Tips By DarkZodiacINC
Variant 4 (Waning Moon) Chapter 3.2 Dash Vulnerability Path By Munash
Variant 4 (Waning Moon) Chapter 3.2 Ragnarok Path By Munash
🚀 Rewards Variant 4 :

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